We’re currently experiencing a service outage for our Emergency Contraception and Erectile Dysfunction online ordering service. Our team is working to restore service as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

If you require Emergency Contraception or Erectile Dysfunction medication please call into the store where we will discreetly handle your requirements.

Emergency Contraception


The service is available for free for medical card holders and women aged 17-35. If you are aged 17-35 you will be required to have your PPS number and proof of date of birth. A fee applies to anyone who does not have a medical card. To find out more, speak to your local Life pharmacist.

Emergency Contraception is a safe, responsible and effective method of preventing pregnancy when regular contraception has failed or if no contraception was used at all. Emergency contraception is available at Life Pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, subject to meeting certain criteria.

If you think you may need emergency contraception, it is advised to attend your pharmacy promptly as emergency contraception can be more effective the sooner you take it. Emergency contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. To find out more information on Emergency Contraception and STIs, talk to your local Life Pharmacist.

Emergency Hormonal Contraception Consent Form
An Emergency Hormonal Contraception Consent form should be signed by a patient prior to consultation. This is to confirm that the patient agrees to the procedure and is aware of any risks that might be involved. An entry must also be captured in the Patient’s Medication Record (PMR) on the pharmacy computer, in line with good pharmacy practice.

This recording should be made with the patient’s full knowledge and consent, and patients must be assured of the confidentiality of such records. The management of any data or information recorded, collected, or retained should be in accordance with relevant legislative provisions.